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Ductless Mini Split Tune Up in Mason, OH

How Often to Schedule Ductless Mini Split Tune Ups

When it comes to keeping your ductless mini split system running in peak condition, regular maintenance is essential. In fact, scheduling tune ups with a professional HVAC company like Robinson Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. is the best way to ensure your system is functioning at its optimal level.

For ductless air conditioners, it’s generally recommended to schedule a professional maintenance appointment at least once per year. During this tune up, our technicians can clean your system, check for any potential issues, and make necessary repairs to keep your AC system running smoothly all summer long.

If you have a ductless heat pump system, though, we recommend scheduling two professional maintenance appointments each year; one in the fall before you start using your system to heat your home, and one in the spring before you switch it over to cooling mode. This is because your heat pump system will be working year-round to keep your home comfortable, so it’s important to stay on top of maintenance to prevent any issues from arising.

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Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Maintenance

At Robinson Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., we highly recommend scheduling regular tune ups for your ductless mini split system. Here are some of the benefits that come along with it:

  • Improved Energy Efficiency: A well-tuned ductless mini split system is going to run a lot more efficiently than one that has been neglected. When your system is running efficiently, you can enjoy lower energy bills and a more comfortable home.
  • Extended Lifespan: Investing in regular tune ups for your ductless mini split system can help extend its lifespan. Regular maintenance ensures that all components are working properly, reducing the likelihood of breakdowns or damage that could lead to costly repairs or replacements.
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality: Your ductless mini split system filters the air in your home, which means that it needs to be clean and well-functioning in order to keep your indoor air quality up to par. Regular tune ups can help ensure that the filters are clean, the coils are functioning properly, and the drain lines are clear – all of which contribute to better indoor air quality.
  • Overall Peace of Mind: Perhaps one of the best reasons to invest in ductless mini split tune ups is the peace of mind that comes along with it. Knowing that your system is well-maintained and functioning properly can give you the confidence to rely on it year-round, without worrying about unexpected breakdowns or malfunctions.

We hope that these benefits have convinced you to consider scheduling a ductless mini split tune up with Robinson Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Give us a call today to learn more about our services and to schedule an appointment. 

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Never Miss a Tune Up Again!

At Robinson Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc., we understand that it can be easy to forget about scheduling your ductless mini split tune ups. That’s why we offer our Preferred Customer Maintenance Agreement, so you don’t have to worry about remembering.

Our maintenance plan includes tune ups in the spring and fall to ensure your system is running at its best year-round. Plus, becoming a preferred customer comes with additional benefits like discounts on repairs and priority service.

Don’t let regular maintenance slip your mind any longer. Join our maintenance plan and let us take care of your ductless mini split so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your comfortable home. Contact us to learn more about our maintenance plans and become a preferred customer today!

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Schedule a Ductless Mini Split Tune Up in Mason, OH

Robinson Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. takes pride in providing quality ductless mini split tune up services in Mason, OH. Our team of expert technicians is committed to ensuring that your ductless mini split system is functioning efficiently and effectively throughout the year. Contact us today to schedule your ductless mini split tune up in Mason, OH!

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