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Mason, OH Air Conditioning Installation Services

How To Tell If It’s Time To Replace Your AC Unit

These are some of the most common reasons it’s time to get a new AC system installed.


  • Unit Is Over 15-20 Years Old – Age is usually the most important factor in deciding if you should replace your HVAC unit. Many system warranties run out after 10 years, which will make future repairs much more expensive. Your HVAC technician can tell you how old your system is. 
  • Repairs Are Very Expensive – If you’ve continued sinking money into repairing your air conditioning system, or the current repair is costly, it might be the more economical choice to replace your system than to repair it. 
  • Uses R-22 Freon – R-22 freon was used in air conditioning systems, but was found to be harmful to the environment. Modern AC units use a different kind of refrigerant, making it very hard to find R-22 freon to repair older systems. When you upgrade to a new system, refrigerant leaks will be much more affordable to repair. 
  • High Energy Bills – When you see unexplained spikes in energy without any corresponding heat wave, that’s a telltale sign of a problem with your air conditioner. When you’ve had your system repaired multiple times and have seen no relief in your energy bills, a new system will restore your energy costs to more comfortable price points. 


What To Look For In A New Cooling System

If you’ve decided you need a new central air conditioning system, it can be difficult to decide which one will work best for your Mason, OH home. Here are the primary things you need to consider when choosing a new system. 


When looking for a new air conditioning system, you should start by figuring out how much you’re willing to pay for one. Robinson can install a few different brands of air conditioning systems to provide you with a variety of options. We work with your budget and can help you find incentives and manufacturers’ rebates that you may qualify to find a system that will provide comfort at a price you can afford.

Noise Levels

Some HVAC units can be noisy, and you must ensure you can tolerate the noise level. Air conditioning units have a noise rating on them. While a louder unit may be cheaper, consider where it will go in your home. A noisy unit outside of your bedroom window might not be ideal. 

Efficiency Rating

Every air conditioning unit has a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio rating, or SEER rating. The higher the SEER number, the more energy efficient the unit is. However, units with high SEER ratings can be more expensive. 


If you want your air conditioner to last as long as possible, you need to hire a professional HVAC company. Not only will this ensure proper installation, but many manufacturers’ warranties are voided if your HVAC system is not installed by a professional heating and air conditioning company. Getting estimates from multiple HVAC companies allows you to experience the level of service they provide firsthand as well as competitive pricing. 

Trust Robinson To Keep Your Air Conditioner Working Reliably

When you choose Robinson to install your new air conditioning system in your Mason, OH home, you can continue to rely on us for other quality air conditioning services throughout your system’s lifetime. Working with the same company that installed your air conditioner to perform repairs and maintenance throughout its life is a smart decision for several reasons. Firstly, the technicians who installed your unit are already familiar with the system’s design and configuration, making it easier for them to diagnose any issues that may arise during repairs. Additionally, the installation company may have access to proprietary information, tools, or parts necessary for the unit’s repair, which may not be available to other repair companies.


Having the same company perform regular maintenance on your air conditioner can also extend its lifespan, as they are familiar with its history and can identify potential issues before they become major problems. Additionally, regular maintenance can help your unit operate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and saving you money on your energy bills. It’s important to establish a long-term relationship with a reputable HVAC installation company that can provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you can rely on them for quality repairs and maintenance services whenever you need them. Trust Robinson Heating & Air Conditioning to provide the quality HVAC services you deserve.

Schedule an Estimate for Air Conditioning Installation Service in Mason, OH

To see why so many people recommend Robinson Heating & Air Conditioning to their friends and neighbors in Mason, OH, you need to experience the difference in the quality of service for yourself. Call us today for air conditioning installation service.

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